Free automated pfsense backups

Looking for free automated pfsense backups? Recently I was looking into automating my backups of my pfSense box at home. I always manually make a backup of the config before I make any changes to it. I have VPN connectivity and web filtering, NAT rules, plugins ect. Needless to say, it would take me quite a […]

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Migrating your WordPress site from GoDaddy

This week I got an email from GoDaddy stating that once again their hosting fees would be increasing 10% . I have been wanting to migrate away from their hosting and move my WordPress sites to my home server for a while now so I figured now is the time. Also it did not help […]

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RC fun…

Goofing around with a camera attached to a Air Hogs remote control toy airplane. got it up to about 100 or so feet. There is no sound.

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